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Welcome to bluvelvet99
"Bullies Fucked My Mom"

You've just arrived at the lowest, most pathetic, most subversive and most niche part of the internet. I'm bluvelvet. I'm a short story writer. I genuinely want my mom to be fucked by men who bully and demean me and I want you to want that for your mom as well.


If you're already a fan or a co-enjoyer of this fetish, welcome. If you're new to this, strap yourself in, it's going to be a bumpy ride.


If you would like to message me, please do so on reddit (u/bluvelvet99) or by e-mailing me at Often times messages sent on this site don't make it through to me, so please feel free to use the two methods I've listed above. I love to chat, and I love to answer questions. So feel free to get into contact with me.

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Dance With the Devil

Your mom's halloween celebrations are a little too macabre for your taste. The spirits she's deserved may be cooking up a plan for her ass.

Thwip (Sponsored by Bud Light)

Time seems to be repeating itself at a party. Is there a way you can take advantage of this anomaly in space/time? *Looks at mom's ass*

Candy Apples

Your face burned red in the cool October air as familiar faces spanked and humped at the air within eyeshot of you.

Oil and Water

Every part of her is here, before me. Every part I wanted, she brought it with her. She brings it with her wherever she goes.

The Pants in the Family

Your mom’s ass, half of it, sat above the blue water. The lower half stood visible in its glassy cool clearness, distorted and magnified.

Heaven on Earth

What was once a trembling mass of wailing limbs would become an orange-lit vibration of gyrating and thrusting hips. And that body. Sinless.

Sunday Morning

Your mom, snug in her pajamas, her big, warm ass and her slippers, not to mention her frost-melting smile, it was just so comforting.


You fell face first into a pile of leaves, biting into them as the pain finally came, radiating from your testicles.

Piece of Ass vs. Peace of Mind

You looked at your mom’s ass before you as it swam, dolphin-like, through a sea of cowardliness. Unperturbed. Arrogant.

7 Archived Stories From my Wordpress Blog

Show and Tell The Golden Scale Fair and Square, Tan and Round Tears of a Clown Get Loose The Greatest Joke the Devil Ever Told 5-Hour Nick

Trading Places

"Maybe we're too hard on you white folks. If the roles were reversed, and we owned you, I would have did what Thomas Jefferson done."


It's time. Let's make it happen. This is our only chance. Let's not let it pass us by. Get the hashtag trending. We only have one shot.


Your mom was always a bland dresser, which was ironic, because your mom, body and soul, was anything but bland.

Sweet Dreams (Dream Weaver)

And just how did she get so tipsy, on this the night of your prom? She was one of the volunteer parent supervisors.

Strap In

You liked sleeping in bed with your mom. She smelt like perfume and skin and felt nice like flowers. Dad wouldn’t let you.

The Idiot Box

You were the son of one of those beautiful bodies. And though you loved your mom, your loved her body more.

Print the Legend

Selfish? Perhaps. Romantic? Most definitely. He had loved your mom since he had tender testicles to love with.

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